Seaweed Update
2005 - Perennial seaweeds in Nova Scotia continue to decline, in
patterns that are consistent with falling ocean fertility. July 12, 2005
Something is Rotten in the
Gulf of St. Lawrence - in more than one way, this describes the
overall effects of the harp seal hunt: stifling, rather than enabling, the
recovery of the cod stocks. Feb. 11, 2005
"White rocks"
- Another disappearing seaweed story in support of the conclusion that
ocean fertility is gradually declining. Oct. 6, 2004.
Saving the 'fat cat' - two
species of catfish, or wolffish, face extinction in Canadian waters. DFO's
pro-industry agenda clashes with the requirements of a new federal law,
the Species at Risk Act. August 28, 2004
Hungry humpbacks? Conflict
between whales and herring fishermen in the Bay of Fundy, plus a
mysterious decline in the health of the herring stock, may force a new
conservation strategy - August 25, 2004
April 8, 2004 - 'Pseudo-eutrophication?'
- technical arguments regarding unexpected inherent difficulties in
distinguishing between a starving ocean and an overfed one...but seaweed
tells the tale.
March 9, 2004 - Letter to
Geoff Regan, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, in which I request a
meeting and an urgent inquiry into the state of ocean health/ocean
science. Check back: I will also post his response. (posted above)
March 3, 2004 - Grey Seal
Hunt Proposed in Nova Scotia, an outrageously misguided, ecocidal
plan. This needs to be blocked, and not because the seals are "cute"...
September 26, 2003 - Where have the
Fish gone? A fresh look at the Ocean: Slides and notes from a
presentation given at Dalhousie University, summarizing evidence of a long
term decline in marine primary production and the role that fishing may
have played in causing it.
September 26, 2010 - I'm learning how to use "youtube"
- my channel is
StarvingOcean , and I've made "playlists" to show how I've tried to
argue that fishing can and has eroded ocean fertility. See:
June 13, 2004 - CBC broadcast its "Starving Oceans"
episode of Land & Sea
it on CBC's website) , explaining how the scientific establishment
effectively bars me (an amateur) from participating in advancing
scientific understanding, and explaining in particular how the Canadian
Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) had "frozen me out." DFO refused
to comment on camera.
September 19, 2004 - DFO invited me to give a
seminar to a group of scientists at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography.
Video of my presentation is below (a series of 6 youtube videos), but lacks feedback from DFO because the scientists were
not comfortable debating or commenting on the issues on camera.